A while ago

Pixelmator 3.7 Mount Whitney

I’ve said many times — despite the fact that we’re releasing the amazing Pixelmator Pro, the original Pixelmator is also here to stay. And today is a nice day for it — we’ve just released the new Pixelmator 3.7 Mount Whitney with full macOS High Sierra support, the ability to edit with Pixelmator in Photos, HEIF support, and some other improvements and fixes.

We love the Edit With Pixelmator feature in Photos so we’ve made a short video to show you what it’s about and how it works. I hope you like it.

As for other nice happenings today, we’ve also sent out our awesome Newsletter No. 2, which includes a quick rundown of what we’ve been up to these past few weeks, including a glance at the beautiful De Stijl artistic style. I personally love our exploration of artistic styles and can’t wait to share some more beautiful art with you.

P.S. I was expecting to release Pixelmator for iOS 2.4 Cobalt this week, but that didn’t happen. We decided to take our time and add a couple of nice improvements. The Cobalt release will happen next week. So stay tuned.